Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBAC)

Instructions: If you took the SBAC in high school, look at the following table for your class placement. For math placement, you will also need to show a transcript with the minimum grades needed. If you don’t have the scores needed, click either link at the bottom of the page.

Placement OptionPlacement TypeCourse PlacementScore Needed


(taken after January 2018)

English Placement (must use no later than 1 year after high school graduation)ENGL&1013 or 4 on ELA SBAC
Math Placement (must use no later than fall term after graduation)MATH&107, MATH&131, MATH&132, MATH&1463 or 4 on Math section 
“B” or better in all semesters of high school Algebra 2 
“C” or better in all semesters of a junior or senior year math course
MATH 102, Math 1163 or 4 on Math section 
“B” or better in all semesters of high school Algebra 2 
“B” or better in all semesters of a junior or senior year math course
MATH&1413 or 4 on Math section 
“B” or better in all semesters of high school PreCalculus or higher course


(must use within first year of high school graduation, taken before December 2017)

English PlacementENGL&1013 or 4 on ELA SBAC
Math PlacementMATH 102, MATH&107, MATH 116, MATH&131, MATH&132, MATH&1463 or 4 on Math SBAC
MATH&1414 on Math SBAC 
3 on Math SBAC with a “B” or better in a full year of a calculus pathway high school math class

To use for class placement:

  • Email a copy of your scores (unofficial or official) to (Note: for Math placement, students must also provide transcripts showing the minimum math grades required).



  • Bring a copy of your scores to the Enrollment Services/Registration Desk in the Robert Smith Building.